Sunday, April 15, 2012

Digital Nation

Response to Question for Class

I found this video very interesting because it applies to modern everyday life. Technology has nonetheless taken over our day to day lives; we use technology pretty much every day to accomplish our "mandatory" tasks. Without technology the tasks which are considered mandatory by today’s standards would not be considered mandatory. I personally feel technology is a bitter sweet addition to the world; it's opening up new doorways which we never thought were possible. Email, instant messaging, video chatting, texting, and blogging are just a few technologies which are contributing to the new "technology era." Overall I do believe technology, if utilized properly, will benefit the world.

Another interesting topic discussed in the video was the fact that technology is allowing/forcing people to multitask. Most people (mainly college students) believe that they can multitask very well. Some people even said that it was required at their place of work. Research showed that the individuals who believed they were great multitaskers actually ended up being horrible at it; their productivity dropped significantly when asked to work on multiple projects at once. I do believe technology has forced us to "multitask" and will continue to do so in the future. I multitask almost every day and it seems normal for me. The more I think about multitasking, the more problems I see with it. Studies showed it can train the brain to work on multiple activities at once; when presented with one long term project one could have problems focusing.